Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Getting Work Done At Work


So I know that working at a desk all day can be tiring and distracting.
One minute, you're doing your work
and the next minute, you're staring off into space, bored.
(or on your phone, surfing the internet, hiding in the bathroom, etc)
I have worked at a desk job for a little over 3 years,
and I just started a new job this week (at a desk).

Some things I have learned about getting work done at the desk are;
-get up and walk a lap around the building
-stretch for a couple minutes
-make a to do list of all the things that need to be done
-open the shades to the window (if possible)
-once a task is done, toss the paper or file it away so it is off the desk
-once a task is done, delete the email if it's not important to keep
-check social media during lunch break and leave it until the work day is over

I know an 8 to 5 can feel like a long day
and by 1 to 3PM you are crashing and ready to just leave
but try a few different ways to continue on with the day
until you find one that works for you
and the day will be flying by and work will be getting done.

Good luck!

xo, j

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