Monday, February 22, 2016

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday!
So I can not take credit for this one,
my cousin found this one last Monday and sent it to me,
I really love it so I decided it needed to be this Monday's quote.
"Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is suppose
to look like & celebrating it for everything that it is" - Mandy Hale.
For a long time, I had my life planned down to the "tee" (as the saying goes),
and it just started changing in many different ways,
it is not anywhere near what I had planned but I am still happy,
happiness comes within and if you live by a plan and that plan fails
then it can leave you feeling unhappy and life is short.
We cannot be unhappy because our plan changed,
plans change all the time,
we just need to celebrate it day by day.
Have a great week and celebrate the happiness :)


Monday, February 15, 2016

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday!
One my things to do for the New Year was to write more,
I have been completely slacking on that,
so here I am, starting over.
Which relates to my Monday post, now or never.
Many times we just push things aside knowing we may never get to them
and then complain later on about not doing it.
Which leaves us in the bigger part of the pie above ^
when we really want to be in the smaller part of the pie above ^
So which is it for you, on this Monday, now or never?


Monday, January 18, 2016

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday!
Are you ever afraid of doing something?
As if you might fail at doing it?
Well today's motivation is to just do it,
who cares about fear?
Fear can only stop you, if you let it!
Have a great week :)


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Getting Work Done At Work


So I know that working at a desk all day can be tiring and distracting.
One minute, you're doing your work
and the next minute, you're staring off into space, bored.
(or on your phone, surfing the internet, hiding in the bathroom, etc)
I have worked at a desk job for a little over 3 years,
and I just started a new job this week (at a desk).

Some things I have learned about getting work done at the desk are;
-get up and walk a lap around the building
-stretch for a couple minutes
-make a to do list of all the things that need to be done
-open the shades to the window (if possible)
-once a task is done, toss the paper or file it away so it is off the desk
-once a task is done, delete the email if it's not important to keep
-check social media during lunch break and leave it until the work day is over

I know an 8 to 5 can feel like a long day
and by 1 to 3PM you are crashing and ready to just leave
but try a few different ways to continue on with the day
until you find one that works for you
and the day will be flying by and work will be getting done.

Good luck!

xo, j

Monday, January 11, 2016

Motivational Monday

Monday again!

We are still in the first month of the year,
so trying to keep a positive year going,
try to remember that sometimes when one is healing,
they may wound another to feel better.
Take it with a grain of salt.
(I think that is the saying ;P)
Be motivational (not just on a Monday!),
be positive,
be helpful,
and try to remember healing is a process.

Happy Monday Guys!


Friday, January 8, 2016

Corporate Outings

Corporate outings can be on the tricky side,

for the employer and the employee.

At my previous job,
I planned a 3 day sales conference that involved 2 outings
and I planned 3 Christmas parties that were outside of the facility.

I quickly learned some do's and do not's,
I personally think these are important to remember
for the employer and employee.

Here's the list and explanations;

- provide transportation:
you never want an employee to get into a vehicle after they may have drank.
- provide food and beverage:
you do not want to plan an outing and then they have to pay for their own f&b,
I am not stating that you have to purchase their alcohol.
- make it fun:
try to make it pleasant and fun so it does not feel like a drag to your employees.
- take suggestions:
this can make it easier for the next time.
- make it mandatory:
work culture is important so your employers interacting with the boss can create that.

- take your own vehicle (if transportation is being given):
you do not want to drink and drive, show up late, or leave early, your boss will notice.
- drink heavily:
oh please do not! this is still a part of work! be professional.
- swear / act inappropriate:
I repeat again, this is still a part of work!
- leave the group:
people will notice and it can be a hassle if you all came together.

Please just remember to be professional and respect your employers effort for the outing
and respect your employee for also putting effort into attending.
I hope this was helpful :)


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year Resolutions?

Resolution:  a firm decision to do or not to do something.

A firm decision to do or not do,
majority of us will "not do" those resolutions
we made at the end of one year
that we planned for the next year.
I have not made a New Year Resolution in years,
because usually, I fail.

I am a person of lists,
I make lists for everything,
grocery, daily to - do, weekly menu, cleaning, work, etc.

So for 2016,
I decided to ditch this whole resolution shenanigans for good.
And I went ahead and made a list of things I do now,
but would like to do more of.

My list is as follows;
- read more
- write more
- work more
- volunteer more
- exercise more
- love more
- live more
- explore more

I don't want to set some resolution that I know I won't do,
I will probably forget it halfway into the year.
I want to do MORE in 2016.

I hope you all find a resolution or a list,
whatever is your preference,
and stick to it for 2016 and make the most of the year!


Monday, January 4, 2016

Motivational Monday

Happy Monday!

The first Monday in January.
I have been MIA for the past 2 Monday's,
just taking a small break to get my thoughts together.
But, I am back and ready for 2016!
I hope you all had awesome holidays :)

Now that the New Year is here,
it is the time to make resolutions,
do things differently than the previous years, etc.
Just remember, to be happy, not much is needed.
Happiness can be more present in 2016 than in any other year,
if you let it :)

Happy New Year, Happy Monday!